Particle builds design systems in dev mode for local hosting, or production mode for optimized asset generation.

Quickstart anywhere

  1. Download the latest release
  2. Extract anywhere (i.e. the readme should be at any/where/particle/
  3. Within the extracted folder run:
npm install
npm run setup
npm start

Simply wait until the webpack bundle output appears then visit (or http://localhost:8080/pl) and start working.

Quickstart with Drupal 8

Particle provides a Drupal 8 theme, the starting steps are slightly different:

  1. Download the latest release
  2. Extract to themes/ at the root of your Drupal 8 install. (i.e. this readme should be at {drupal-root}/themes/particle/
  3. Download and install the Component Libraries module:

    drush dl components drush en components -y


    drupal module:install components

  4. Within {drupal-root}/themes/particle/ run:

    bash npm install npm run setup npm run build:drupal

This will compile all assets and provide all namespaced Twig paths to the Drupal theme. Make sure to choose this theme in Drupal Appearance settings and drush cr or drupal cr all to clear cache.

For rapid, development-mode recompile and Drupal cache clear, edit, find the onBuildEnd plugin and edit it from:

plugins: [
  new WebpackShellPlugin({
    onBuildEnd: [
      'echo \nWebpack drupal dev build complete! Edit apps/drupal/ to replace this line with `drupal cr all` now.',
    dev: false, // Runs on EVERY rebuild


plugins: [
  new WebpackShellPlugin({
    onBuildEnd: [
      'drupal cr all',
    dev: false, // Runs on EVERY rebuild

Now you have active Drupal development-mode compilation and cache clearing by just running:

npm run dev:drupal

You can still work in Pattern Lab while also working in Drupal by also running in another terminal:

npm start

Just like in the regular Quickstart, when Webpack output appears, visit (or http://localhost/pl) to immediately start building and previewing your design system in Pattern Lab.