
Refer to the Pattern Lab Documentation for extensive info on how to use it. Particle is a custom Pattern Lab 2 Edition that is heavily influenced by the Drupal Edition of Pattern Lab and uses the Twig engine to bring it inline with Drupal 8's use of Twig.

The app/pl folder simply imports the design system from source/ and provides its own custom Sass for UI and json generation. Any Twig files that change in source/ cause a full Pattern Lab rebuild. The Pattern Lab engine and config lives within apps/pl/pattern-lab.

Faker data in Pattern Lab

Faker generates fake data and the Faker plugin for Pattern Lab is used here. This generates different fake content for each compile, and allows translated content as well.

Faker only works in the global data files found in source/_data/ currently until this bug is fixed.

Use it like this in source/_data/data.json:

  "description": "Faker.paragraph",
  "text": "Faker.words(3, true)",
  "byline": "Faker.sentence",
  "intro": "Faker.sentences(2, true)"

The formatters (things like .paragraph, .words, etc) can accept options, when you see Faker.words(3, true) that means give me 3 random words and I'd like them as a string and not an array of strings. All the formatters and their options are documented here - there's tons: numbers, address, names, dates, and more.