
Mac Installation

Install VirtualBox

VirtualBox Downloads

Install Homebrew

Homebrew Website

If Homebrew is already installed, then be sure to do a brew update

Tap the DevTools repository

brew tap phase2/devtools

Install DevTools (and dependencies)

brew install devtools

This will install the devtools binary as well the Docker and other dependencies.

Create the Docker Host

Once everything checks out, run the following command to create a new docker host. (You will likely be prompted for your admin password)

devtools start

Here are some configuration options available to you to customize your setup:

  • name: The Docker Machine name for the VM. Defaults to dev
  • driver: The driver to create the Docker Machine with. Choices are:
    • virtualbox - default
    • vmwarefusion
    • xhyve
  • cpuCount: The number of virtual CPU you want to allocate to this VM. Defaults to 2
  • memSize: The size memory you want to configure for this VM, in Megabytes. Defaults to 4096
  • diskSize: The size drive you want to configure for this VM, in Gigabytes. Defaults to 40

Configure your shell to set DevTools Docker environment

To configure the shell with the proper DevTools environment, run the following command after the docker host has started from the previous step.

eval "$(devtools config)"

For convenience, you should make this automatic on every terminal you launch. To do that add the following to your .bash_profile, .zshrc or equivalent:

# Support for DevTools
eval "$(devtools config)"
alias dte='eval "$(devtools config)"'

Running devtools config

Even with automatic execution in your shell, this command must be run in any existing terminal windows after devtools start or devtools restart commands. To support that see the dte alias in the shell init file above. Just run dte after a devtools start

Support for Docker for Mac

See Docker for Mac Support